Wachenheim                                                  => Deutsch                                             => images

Monument type

Outbuilding of a Villa Rustica 

Survey data
Area investigated:
3.200 m2
Resolutions:    1 MP/m2 (a = 0,5 m)
Array configuration: twin-probe array
Measuring instruments: Lippmann 4point light MC
Imaging software: SURFER (Golden Software)
Survey period:
January 11, 2013

A scatter of sherds in the vineyard, immediately to the west of the villa complex discovered in 1980 and known as an open-air museum, indicated the existence of further outbuildings.

Separated from the villa grounds by a three metre wide field path, the measurement area borders on the west wall of the villa's main building.
The almost square compaction recognisable in the measurement image is caused by a presumed floor area of an outbuilding adjoining the west side of the main building.

The vertical, higher-resistance lines in the raw data image (top image) are caused by mechanical processing with tractors. The lower-resistance lines running horizontally at an equal distance are probably caused by electrical effects between the metal vineyard posts located in this position on both sides of the measuring track. These two linear anomalies were largely equalised by manual destriping. (centre image)

After excluding the agricultural- and measurement-related anomalies by "destriping" and further image processing (despiking), the remaining transverse compaction lines may indicate very poorly preserved foundation remains of further outbuildings. (bottom image)