Wachenheim => Deutsch => images

Monument type
Section of surrounding wall and traces of possible outbuildings of a villa rustica in a vineyard
Survey data
Area investigated: A: 16 x 124 MP => 32 m x 137 m
B: 6 x 127MP => 12m x 140m
C: 13 x 112MP => 21m x 136m
D: 9 x 122 MP => 18 m x 122 m (total: 11,252 m²)
Resolutions: A: 2.2 m²/MP, B: 2.2 m²/MP,
C: 1.96 m²/MP, D: 2.0 m²/MP
Array configuration: square array (a = 1 m)
Measuring instruments: Lippmann 4point light MC
Imaging software: SURFER (Golden Software)
Survey period: 03 - 05.2013
In order to avoid the problem of carrying a cable to stationary electrodes in the vineyard, the measurement was carried out with a square array (a = 1 m). The vineyard, consisting of 4 different plots, was recorded in 4 consecutive measurements. The variations in the vine row and vine spacing led to three different resolutions between 1.96 m² and 2.2 m² per measuring point.
Differences in resolution were subsequently compensated true to scale by horizontally and vertically stretching the individual areas using image processing.
The measurement image shows an approximately 60 m long section of the previously unknown surrounding wall (red line) of the villa, as well as several structural areas (red circles) that can possibly be assigned to outbuildings. The area south of the wall (white) is outside the villa area and indicates a geological origin. The faint, slightly curved compaction line (yellow) that runs south from the eastern edge of the measurement area is probably an old path.