Niederkirchen                                                 => Deutsch                                             => images

Monument type
Verification of a presumed Roman site in a vineyard.

Survey data

Area investigated: 120 m x 105 m
Resolution: approx. 1 MP/4m2 (a = 1 m) : 12600 m2
Array configuration: Square
Measuring instruments: Lippmann 4point light MC
Imaging software: SURFER (Golden Software)
Survey period: 06.2013

In the course of the new planting of this vineyard, the opportunity arose to check a site mentioned in the local records as a presumed villa rustica by means of an earth resistance area survey. The measurement image shows several compacted areas that can be addressed as the rubble scattering of a villa rustica. However, clearly identifiable, typical shapes of buildings are not recognizable, so that the findings could also be geological structures.