Bobenheim-Roxheim                                     => Deutsch                                             => images

Monument type

Survey of a Merovingian burial ground (A) and a Roman shard scattering (B)

Survey data
Area investigated (A) : 100 m x 50 m
Resolutions:    1MP/m2 (a = 0.5m): 5.000 m2
Area investigated (B) :
50 m x 50 m
Resolutions: 1MP/m2 (a = 0.5m): 2.500 m2

Array configuration: twin-probe array
Measuring instruments: Lippmann 4point light MC
Imaging software: SURFER (Golden Software)
Survey period: 11. 2013


The two sites are about 150 m apart and situated along a field path on the western edge of which - clearly visible in all measurement images - is the ditch of a culvert. When the culvert was laid, several Merovingian slab graves and a Roman stone coffin were found in the southern measurement area (A).

A few fragments of Roman roof tiles were found in the northern measurement area (B), but the measurement image does not show any foundation structures, so that the associated buildings may have to be searched for in the wider area.

The measurement image of the late antique / early medieval site (A) still shows very faintly in the corresponding positions the sites of the two graves that have already been recovered. Further graves , which because of the stone material in them, would show up as darker spots of an equal size, cannot be identified.