Großniedesheim                                              => Deutsch                                            => images

Monument type
earth resistance area survey of an unclear aerial finding 

Survey data
Area investigated: 30 m x 84 m
Resolutions:    1 MP/m2 (a = 1,0 m): 2.520 m2                  

Array configuration: twin-probe array
Measuring instruments: Lippmann 4point light MC
Imaging software: SURFER (Golden Software)
Survey period: 10.2015

In autumn 2015, a test-prospection was carried out on an area of ​​30m x 84m on behalf of the Palatinate State Archaeology. The reason for this was an unclear finding from the year 1973 on an aerial photo by Otto Braasch, on which presumed settlement remains were recognizable.
The aerial photo was not available to the prospector.

Since a large-scale measurement of the entire find area (current Google Earth image) unfortunately failed due to the already advanced planting, only a small strip at the southwestern edge of the find area could be examined. However, the anomalies visible on the small measuring area do not provide any significant indications of a settlement and are more likely to be due to agricultural processing.