Rittersheim                                                     => Deutsch                                              => images

Monument type
Villae Rusticae, two farms with winged-corridor-villas and outbuildings

Survey data
Area investigated: 21,570 m2
Resolutions: 1 Mp / m2 (a = 0.50 m): 21,570 m2
                    4 Mp / m2 (a = 0.56 m): 900 m2
Array configuration: Twin-probe
Measuring instruments: Lippmann 4point light MC
Imaging software: SURFER (Golden Software)
Survey period: 08. 2020

The unusual proximity of the two manors, which were discovered by aerial archeology, led to a contiguous prospecting of both villas.

While the western complex (A), consisting of a manor house, several outbuildings and a surrounding wall, can be seen as a closed unit, the much poorer preserved complex (B, C, D, E), only 250 m to the east, has a widely spread, open building arrangement. Possibly the farms did not exist at the same time, and if so, farm A should be addressed as the later farm, because of its better preservation and the compact and more protected construction. In the aerial photographs, the structures recognizable on the prospecting areas B and C are only small in size. The measurement resolution of 1 Mp / m2 used here does not resolve these structures adequately. Follow-up measurements with a higher resolution will be useful here.

The buildings in areas D and E are poorly preserved. Presumably, D is to be addressed as an outbuilding and E as the mansion of the eastern complex. Possibly higher resolutions could provide more clarity here as well.

The survey on another find scattering southwest of the two courtyards (F) does not allow a reliable address because of the noisy measurement data.