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Monument type
Villa Rustica, farm with palatial portico villa and outbuildings
Survey data
Area investigated: 21.800m2
Resolutions: 1 MP/m2 (a = 0,50 m) : 21.800 m2
4 MP/m2 (a = 0,56 m) : 3.400 m2
Array configuration: Twin-probe
Measuring instruments: Lippmann 4point light MC
Imaging software: SURFER (Golden Software)
Survey period: 08.2019 and 10.2020
Especially in the area of the main building, which was excavated in 1877 the ground / object contrast is very weak.
The reason for this is unclear.
Mansion area and new northern find
the north of the east wing, further, previously unknown building
structures were prospected. They are connected to the palace villa by a
portico-like structure.
Search-surveys A and B
North of the west wing the search-survey A1 presents no recognizable structures, but towards the east it shows collapse debris of the new northern find.
A2 shows the remains of a larger outbuilding 150 m north of the
mansion. Search-survey B shows the remains of a presumed kiln some 500m
north of the main building.