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Monument type
A, D: Roman town, search-surveys
B, C: Partial areas of Villae Rusticae in the surrounding area
Survey data
Area investigated:
A: 5.300 m2
B: 7.500 m2
C: 900 m2
D: 1.800 m2
Resolutions: 4 MP/m2 (a = 0,56 m)
Array configuration: Twin-probe
Measuring instruments: Lippmann 4point light 10W
Imaging software: SURFER (Golden Software)
Survey period: 19.09.2022 - 26.09.2022
The findings of the search-surveys in urban areas (A and D) are largely unclear. Although these areas show dense scattering with building and utility ceramics, no clearly recognizable building structures can be seen.
On the other hand, prospecting carried out on stray find areas in the surrounding area (B and C) clearly identified foundation structures of presumed Villae Rusticae.
On the areas A, D, and B, an extensive "chessboard-like measurement pattern" can be seen in the enlarged measurement image (see: images). The cause of these measurement errors is unclear.