Göllheim                                                          => Deutsch                                             => images

Monument type
Villa Rustica, farm with winged-corridor-villa and outbuildings

Survey data
Area investigated: 2700m2
Resolutions: 4 MP/m2 (a = 0,56 m)                

Array configuration: Twin-probe
Measuring instruments: Lippmann 4point light MC
Imaging software: SURFER (Golden Software)
Survey period: 08. 2017

The main building of this Villa Rustica shows a floor plan of 22 m x 19 m which is only faintly recognizable. Presumably there were further outbuildings to the east and north-east of it, but due to the poor state of preservation and other disruptive factors, it is not possible to address the buildings clearly.

On the one hand, several broad, horizontal agricultural processing lines extend over the entire measuring area, on the other hand, many thin, vertical lines running in the measuring direction disturb the image. In the latter case, loose electrodes could have led to fluctuating electrode spacings.

A repeat measurement would definitely make sense.