Offenheim                                                        => Deutsch                                            => images

Monument type
Villa Rustica, manor with portico risalit villa, water basin and outbuildings

Survey data
Area investigated:
200 m x 200 m (31,550 m2)
Resolution: 1 Mp/m2 (a = 0.50 m)
Array configuration: Twin-probe
Measuring instruments: Lippmann 4point light 10W
Imaging software: SURFER (Golden Software)
Survey period:  March 2022
Survey-Extension of "Offenheim 69" (April 21)

The measurement image shows a palatial villa with an east-west extention of 176 m. The north-south extent remains unclear, since the northern part of the surrounding wall - above the roadway that cuts through the measurement area - is not covered by the measurement. The courtyard area probably extends further north.
The survey clearly shows the east wing (b) and the central part (c) of the main building (a) with its large floor and hypocaust area. The northern end of the building - except for its eastern corner - and the west wing (d) are barely recognizable. The garden area (f), partially surrounded by the U-shaped portico (e), is decorated with a 20 m x 17 m ornamental pool, in the middle of which a heart-shaped pedestal (g) can be seen.
There are corner-buildings in both the south-east and south-west corners of the complex (h). They clarify the position of the southern part of the surrounding wall, which is only faintly recognizable (i). Three further outbuildings, also only faintly recognizable, can be seen at the level of the main building at the western and eastern courtyard walls and behind the eastern corner of the main building (j, k, l) .
In the area south of the road, the recognizability of the foundation structures is severely disturbed  by almost parallel horizontal lines of agricultural cultivation. North of the road, the recognizability of the structures is undisturbed. Here another (final?) outbuilding (m) of which parts were obviously removed during road construction and some unclear wall sections (n) can be seen.