Aachen => Deutsch => images
Monument type
Roman town, search-surveys
Survey data
Area investigated: 6.200 m2
Resolutions: 4 MP/m2 (a = 0,56 m)
Array configuration: Twin-probe
Measuring instruments: Lippmann 4point light 10W
Imaging software: SURFER (Golden Software)
Survey period: 07/26/2022 - 07/28/2022
The findings of the search prospection are largely unclear. There
are no safe building structures recognizable.
Over a length of approx. 70 m, an almost triangular, flat compression
runs through the measuring area in an east-west direction. At its
broader western end, it measures about 18 m and runs from there to the
east, becoming more pointed.
Within this anomaly in the west there is a 16 m x 11 m, not quite
rectangular, bright area whose low spec. resistance indicates a pit.
Parallel to the northern edge of the compaction, another compaction line
runs at a distance of a little more than 3 m, only faintly discernible.
The increased resistance to the west of the triangular anomaly at the
edge of the measurement area is due to the uncultivated, more dense
forest edge beginning here.
The narrow line of high density on the
southern edge of the measurement area is caused by the near embankment area
of the adjacent expressway.
Brighter, narrow, southeast trending line anomalies are more common in
the northeast and southwest of the survey-area. They are presumably caused by
strong vole activities.